Seorang warga di Desa Cigelam, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten menemukan bayi di area persawahan. Warga menemukan bayi tersebut saat mencari belut di sawah. “Penemuan bayi berjenis […]
Kontroversi 5 Penjual Makanan Seksi, Tak Pakai Bra hingga Tidak Higienis
Penjual makanan seksi selalu jadi perbincangan. Kehadiran mereka ternyata tak luput dari kontroversi. Berikut kisah-kisahnya. Penjual makanan punya beragam cara untuk menarik minat pembeli, sekaligus […]
Kisah Viral Bak Sinetron, Mertua Minta Menantu Tes DNA, Hasilnya Bikin Kaget
Wanita ini tak menyangka kisah hidupnya bak sinetron. Hidupnya berubah setelah meminta menantunya melakukan tes DNA. Identitas sang menantu membuatnya shock. Wanita di Suzhou, China […]
Govt focuses on developing infrastructure to boost financial inclusion
Jakarta (BITPROFIX) – The development of infrastructure in underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost (3T) regions is still the government’s main focus to boost financial inclusion, according […]
OSH Month: Building health awareness crucial for election officials
Jakarta (BITPROFIX) – The Health Ministry emphasized the importance of building occupational safety and health (OSH) awareness among election officials on Friday, coinciding with the […]
Viewership of presidential debates reaches 394 million: KPU
Jakarta (BITPROFIX) – The General Elections Commission (KPU) revealed that the broadcasts of four rounds of debates between presidential and vice presidential candidates ahead of […]
Indonesia monitors probe on KF-21 jet data leak against two engineers
Jakarta (BITPOFIX) – The Indonesian government is monitoring an investigation by South Korean authorities regarding the alleged involvement of two Indonesian engineers in the theft […]
Government fulfills set-top box distribution obligation: Official
Jakarta (BITPROFIX) – The government has fulfilled its obligation to distribute set-top boxes (STBs) to residents following the completion of the analog switch-off last year, […]
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